Have you been to the gas station this week? Considering that we live in a very mobile society, it's probably safe to assume that you have. While pumping gas, you've undoubtedly noticed how much the price of gas has soared in recent years. One possible alternative is the air-powered car.
“””Air Cars are powered by air engines, fuelled by compressed air, which is stored in a tank under high pressure such as 30 MPa (4500 psi or 300 bar). The tank is likely to be made of carbon-fiber in order to reduce its weight while achieving the necessary strength. Instead of mixing fuel with air and burning it to drive pistons with hot expanding gases; Air cars use the expansion of compressed air to drive their pistons. All four major manufactures who are developing CAT cars have designed safety features into their containers as opposed to hydrogen's issues of damage and danger involved in high-impact crashes. Air, on its own, is also non-flammable. Though no company has yet demonstrated the effectiveness of an imploding (ZAP) engine vs a quick-release (MDI) standard, and other safety designs; it is expected that large-scale production may lead specific governments to set their own standards. It was reported on Discovery's Beyond Tomorrow that on its own carbon-fiber is brittle and splits; but creates no shrapnel.”””
· http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_car
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